CityHope “walks with” individuals and families, empowering, encouraging and equipping them.
Act justly - Love mercy - Walk humbly
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News to Share….

CityHope Gives: “We Can’t Thank You Enough for the E-Bike!”
CityHope of New Hampshire primarily works to keep individuals and families who have housing stay “housed”. Our programs and resources are aimed at educating and stabilizing the financially vulnerable in our community, but sometimes there are needs outside of our...

Hole-In-One Mini-Golf Tournament at Chuckster’s in Hooksett
Our Mini-Golf Fundraiser was such a tremendous evening! A huge thanks to each of our sponsors, all of our volunteers and everyone who came out to join us in fellowship and in support of those we serve.

CityHope has partnered with area churches for a Toiletry Drive!
Help us meet the most basic needs of our neighbors, vulnerable to financial insecurity and to support the mission of CityHope New Hampshire. Your donation offers HELP and HOPE. Donations of toilet, paper, feminine products, deodorant and more can be dropped off at...
2023 Highlights
We are grateful for your prayers, continued encouragement and the generosity of our donors with both their time and with their financial giving. In 2023, CityHope of New Hampshire continued the good work of fulfilling our mission, helping and mentoring individuals and...

CityHope Heroes
Our newest CityHope Heroes, Shaw's and Star Market, are helping CityHope of New Hampshire provide food to people right here in our community with an incredibly generous $6,000 grant! The grant is part of Shaw's and Star Market’s Nourishing Neighbors Community Relief...

Davelynn Stevens and Her CityHope Experience
When the Mulcahys took me in it was truly an overwhelming experience. I am an addict in recovery with three years sobriety and also a single mother. When they opened their doors to me and my children, when we needed them the most, I broke down in tears of disbelief...
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